Tree Assessment

Tree Survey

Often required for development projects requiring development control (DC) clearance by Nparks. Trees are inventoried and usually assessed with the help of our GIS system. Tree IDs and basic information such as girth, height and vigor are collated.

Aerial Inspection

May be required as part of the Visual Tree Assessment and an essential component before any installation of a support system. Our climber arborists are trained to access difficult-to-reach parts of the trees to make the best possible assessment of the tree.

Tree Risk Assessment and Reporting

Conduct of Visual Tree Assessment, and if deemed necessary, third level assessment using highly specialised equipment to detect possible and extent of tree decay.

Tree Management Plan

Tree management should not just be an annual pruning exercise to cut the trees as much as possible and hope it doesn’t give you trouble till the next year.

We provide advice to clients for a long-term tree maintenance plan which may include the development of routine pruning, tree removal, replacement planting and new planting that can span 5, 10 years or more horizon.

Tree Inventory and GPS Mapping

Stocktake of trees with locations marked.

Tree Planting and Species Selection Advice

Assessment of suitability of plants for growth based on unique characteristics of the intended site and owner’s preferences and/or other considerations.